Wednesday, October 13, 2010


At the sewer plant I learned that sewer water that comes into the plant is a grey watery mixture not what you would think. I also learned that in the next 10 years over 40% of the people in the water treatment profession will retire. This will leave a lot of jobs open, that need to be filled because of its importance. Sewer treatment is all about removing wastes from sewer and returning water. This is done by numerous process. First when the sewer enters the plant it is sent through grinders which break up any solids. The sewer water then goes threw a auger to remove any foreign materials such as plastics and such. The sewer water then goes to a large holding tank where it is circulated slowly without adding oxygen for non-oxygen organisms to eat solids. The sewer water then travels to another tank were it is turned and splashed so oxygen is added for organisms that need oxygen to survive. These organisms also feed off the waste in the water. Couple of process later the water is left alone in a tank where solids settle to bottom and floaters go to top these are swept of top and removed from bottom.

Recycling is very important because it reuses what we have used once so that we can redo it again, and again. This helps reduce our footprint on earth by the resources we use and the emissions released when creating products. Also, recycling is a way for the public to say we find it important to recycle and we care about environment, I have been recycling and always will continue to recycle because I feel it is important to take care of the environment and preserve it for future generations.

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